B-Block Review 6/12 7:45 - 9:10
You are welcome to come to both review sessions if you have a study. I will write you a pass.
The final is on Wednesday, June 13th from 12:00 to 1:30. You can stay until 2:00. You should get there a little before noon so you can get settled, return your book, etc.
For the final you need to bring:
- pencil (please do not take your final in pen)
- eraser (no sharing of anything!)
- calculator (you may want to bring extra batteries just in case - no sharing!)
- book
A-Block in room 613 (I will be with you 12:30 to 1:00)
B-Block in room 614 (I will be with you 1:00 to 1:30)
Where I will be the other times:
room 615 12:00 to 12:30
room 616 1:30 to 2:00
You can find me and ask questions at any time but it would be better if you wait until I am in your room or just next door.