Exponential and Log functions are inverses of each other. That is the most important thing to remember about them together. We have been studying functions where x is the base and the exponent can be positive, negative or fractional. Now we will study functions where the base is a number and the exponent is the variable.
Note: I am not following the order or the emphasis of the book so we will have handouts everyday but this material is covered in Chapter 6.
3/28 Intro to Exponential functions
HW finish handout
3/29 Intro to Logarithmic functions
HW finish handout
3/30 End of Term 3
4/02 Base e and solving for any variable in y = b^x
HW finish handout
4/03 Exponential word problems
HW finish handout
4/04 Properties of logs (and their proofs)
HW p.382/18-69 by 3's, 72, 73
4/05 Skills quiz (A-Block), Properties of Logs (B-Block)
HW (A-Block) p.368/38-46 even and p.398/62-70 even, 71
4/06 Good Friday - no school, lose B-Block class
4/09 Compound and Continuous Interest (A-Block), Skills quiz (B-Block)
HW (A-Block) p.367-368/29-35 odd, 36, 52, 53
4/10 Log Application problems
HW finish handout
4/11 Review (A-Block)
HW finish handout (answer key online)
4/12 Test (A-Block), Review (B-Block)
4/13 Test (B-Block)
April Vacation 4/14 - 4/22