1/23 Introduction to Polynomials
HW finish worksheet of practice and exploration
1/24 Exploration of the impact of the degree on the shape
HW finish worksheet of exploration questions plus p.429/17-27 odd, p.438/23-37 odd, 38
1/25 Manipulating polynomials (adding, subtracting, multiplying)
HW p.430/39-49 odd, p.445,447/15-33 by 3's, 101, 102
1/26 Dividing Polynomials
HW p.446/71-81 odd, 85, 89, 99, 100, 105-110
1/30 Patterns of special products and the binomial theorem
HW finish worksheet, deduce special factoring patterns (check your work here)
1/31 Factoring Polynomials
HW p.446-447/35-69 odd, 115
2/01 The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
HW Worksheet of Practice Problems
2/02 Prove Properties of factors and zeros
HW Review of Techniques
2/06 Solving: what it is, what tools do we have?
HW p.453-454/11-25 odd, 51-59 odd, 61-64
2/07 Putting all the ideas together
HW General Results Worksheet
2/08 Real-world problems
HW Worksheet of word problems
2/09 Review
HW Fix a "bad" test
2/13 Singing Valentines (bad day for a test)
2/14 Test of Polynomial Functions