Friday, January 27, 2012
Midterm Histogram
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Polynomials (Ch 7)
1/23 Introduction to Polynomials
HW finish worksheet of practice and exploration
1/24 Exploration of the impact of the degree on the shape
HW finish worksheet of exploration questions plus p.429/17-27 odd, p.438/23-37 odd, 38
1/25 Manipulating polynomials (adding, subtracting, multiplying)
HW p.430/39-49 odd, p.445,447/15-33 by 3's, 101, 102
1/26 Dividing Polynomials
HW p.446/71-81 odd, 85, 89, 99, 100, 105-110
1/30 Patterns of special products and the binomial theorem
HW finish worksheet, deduce special factoring patterns (check your work here)
1/31 Factoring Polynomials
HW p.446-447/35-69 odd, 115
2/01 The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
HW Worksheet of Practice Problems
2/02 Prove Properties of factors and zeros
HW Review of Techniques
2/06 Solving: what it is, what tools do we have?
HW p.453-454/11-25 odd, 51-59 odd, 61-64
2/07 Putting all the ideas together
HW General Results Worksheet
2/08 Real-world problems
HW Worksheet of word problems
2/09 Review
HW Fix a "bad" test
2/13 Singing Valentines (bad day for a test)
2/14 Test of Polynomial Functions
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Finishing up Quadratices (and the term)
1/04 Zeros and Solutions
HW finish handout
1/05 Introduction to Complex Numbers
HW p.320-321/19,23,29,35,41-44,45-63 odd,77,79
1/09 More with Complex Numbers
HW p.320-321/65-75 odd, 81-95 odd, 96-100
1/10 Review Quadratics
HW finish review packet
1/11 Quadratic Inequalities (will not be on quiz, will be on 1/20 for B-Block)
HW 334-335/36-57 by 3's, 58-60, go back and solve 12,15,18,31,35 with a 2D graph, not a number line.
1/12 Quadratic Quiz
HW start working on Mid-Year Review Packet
1/16 Martin Luther King Day, no school
1/17 Review Questions
1/18 Review Questions
1/19 Mid-Year Cumulative Exam
HW Quadratic Optimization Problems
1/20 End of Term 2
Both sections will have their second quadratic quiz on 1/12. They will also both receive the mid-year review packet that day. Both sections will have two days in class before the exam to ask questions and work on the packet. Both sections will have the Mid-Year exam on 1/19. Quadratic Inequalities will be on very different dates for the two sections and will not be assessed on the second Quadratics Quiz.
Remember that the makeup for the first Quadratics Quiz must be completed by 1/13. Test corrections for the Matrix test are due by 1/20. Retakes for the second Quadratics Quiz are due by Tuesday, 1/24.