Friday, December 9, 2011


For the quadratic functions we will be using books with a more investigative focus.  After each investigation we will summarize the results and I will collect the "Check Your Understanding" to check your understanding.

Day 1  Investigation 2/all pp.332-334
              HW pp.346-357/A 7-10; C 17; R 28,29; Rv 43-45, 4
Day 2  Investigation 3/1-7 pp.336-337  HW see day 3
Day 3  Investigation 3/8-12 pp.337-339
               HW pp.348-358/A 11,12; C 18-23; R 30; E 37,38; Rv 48-50
Day 4  Investigation 4/1-5 pp.340-342  HW see day 5
Day 5  Completing the square and Investigation 4/6-9 pp.342-343
               HW pp.348-358/A 13-15; R 31, 33; E 39, 40; Rv 51, 52

On the 6th day we will add a few things that are not in the book (vertex form and quad regression).
On the 7th day we will review techniques for factoring and solving.
On the 8th day, there will be a quiz.  This will probably be the last day before vacation. The quiz should only take half the block, then we can play a game.

Since I am not issuing textbooks for this unit, I have uploaded the pdf of the unit into the conference.  You don't have to go online, you can just use that. Or download it from here. (Note: If there are contents links on the side, you may not be able to click on them - use actual page numbers at the top).