5/09 Counting Day 1
HW p.631/Activity and p.640-641/31-39 odd, 43, 47, 51,52, 55, 56, 61, 62
The activity is similar to the pizza possibility that we covered in class but this time, instead of figuring out how many pizza combinations are possible, you have committed to the two-topping pizza and want to figure out how many of those are possible. It will also provide practice drawing possibility tree diagrams.
5/10 Counting with repeats - how to avoid double counting (Day 2)
HW p.647-648/21-27 by 3's, 34-38, 40, 42
5/14 Counting Day 3
HW finish worksheet of extra problems
HW finish worksheet
5/16 Math MCAS - no class (C E F H D)
5/17 Counting Quiz, Intro to Probability worksheet
HW finish worksheet plus p.633-635/24,34-37,40-43,45 and p.648/30-33
5/18 Experimental vs Theoretical Probability (B-Block, henceforth A-Block is one day later)
HW finish worksheet
5/21 Inclusive vs Mutually Exclusive
HW p.656-658/7-15 odd, 24-31, 41, 42, 47-49
5/22 Independent Events
HW p.662-663/13-16, 21-26, 37 plus p.650-651 activity
5/24 Dependent Events
HW p.668-670/9-31 odd, 39, 41, 55, 58
5/25 More Dependent Events
HW finish worksheet5/28 Memorial Day - no school
5/29 "Realistic" Applications
HW finish worksheet
5/31 Review
6/01 Probability and Counting Test (B-Block)
6/04 Probability and Counting Test (A-Block)
6/05 Bio MCAS (D A G H E)
6/06 Bio MCAS (E C E F H A)
6/13 Math Final 12pm - 2pm